
Monday, February 23, 2009

Ending of a Chapter

"Our life is defined by the opportunties... even the ones we missed."
So many words to say "I'm sorry and thank you."
These words don't matter now.
I don't think I'm cut out for relationships.
I'm a horrible person.
Ill tempered, making people mad.
Yearned so much to be loved and accepted again.
Forgot life has a hermit.
Now, left with nothingness.
Sometimes, it seems things just all go wrong on one day.
Just overwhelmed with emotions.
Actually dead on the inside.
Not smart enough, not pretty enough and not anything enough.
My spirits are crushed.
The endless sighs.
Would somebody like to teach me how to be fine again?
Eyes lowered
no smile
no life.
suppose that's all there is.
Fighting so hard and kept fighting. Only to lose.