
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Time For Change

Sometimes we become too used to our own habits and eventually our habits begin to cripple us. The habit which cripples me is the drive to become one of the best and my pessimistic behaviour.

I've decided from own now, not to worry about my grades and focus on producing outstanding work.Even if my outstanding work is inadequate compared to other people, I shall be proud. I shall be proud of myself for producing that piece of work.

I have been on this Earth for over two decades and yet I still don't know how to love myself. I've always feared that if I love myself, others may depict me as being vain. Loving yourself is not being vain, it's a part of looking after one's well being. I won't neglect my family or friend's well being so why should I neglect my own?

Suppose this shall restore my physical and emotion well being.

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