
Friday, April 23, 2010

3 months

3 months, that's equivalent to 90 days.
In 3 months time, I'll be on uni break.
Many things could happen and many things would have happened.

The more I mature, I begin to believe that everything happens for a reason.
We lose the ones we love to discover the strength and beauty of love.
We fail challenges to learn from our mistakes.
We experience sadness to discover how precious happiness can be.

You loved me to give me strength and courage and with these, I will become a better person.
You offer these qualities to me knowing one day we shall part and I shall have the strength to continue on.

You told me that you want a break.
I shall treat this as a test.
These next 3 months, shall test the strength of our love.
If you truly love me then you'll find a way back to me.
If you don't love me after 3 months, I can conclude that your love for me was shallow. I have no choice but to stop dreaming about a future with you.
Sometimes, I rather live in delirium than move on an experience nothing but loneliness.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

"Freedom is being alone. I fear liberation", Vienna Teng