
Friday, May 14, 2010

Exposing My Feelings

I have a lot of scrambled thoughts I would like to share.
Life can be so ironic, the single girl helps others fall in love, however, she's single.
Sometimes all we can do is give two people who are interested in each other a little push and let nature do the rest.
Sometimes, I find that I would help others yet I can not help myself.

I always knew that I was quite pessimistic but I never thought it was a big issue.
Recently, a good friend of mine told me, that unless I change I'll never experience warmth in a relationship.
I guess for all this time, I was responsible for ruining the relationship.
Tried so hard to find faults, yet the greatest fault was my attitude.
I have decided, it's time to stop "crushing my optimism" and start living in the light.
I'm not sure how I stop being so negative all the time, but I shall start by thinking positive thoughts and identifying the flaws in my negative thoughts.
Let's face it, nobody in this world is completely stupid and we all have the ability to learn new skills.
Therefore, I can educate myself and I shall not fail.
I shall pass all my assessments and I shall complete my degree.
After completing my degree I shall find work.
I shall one day, I would fall in love.
All I need to do is believe and have faith that all my wishes will come true.
One day I shall change and you can witness my strength.
However, until that day I wish you can remain patience and by my side.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No amount of believing or faith will make your dreams come true. Anything that's worth anything in life takes effort and perseverance. I'm cheering for you =)