
Saturday, November 20, 2010

epic fail

Fuck you,
For many years of my life you have neglected me. I walked this path alone.
Along the way, you have insulted with your harsh words, you never encouraged me and never believed in me. You made me believe that I was a pathetic piece of shit on the side of the road. I believe it so, to the extent I wanted to move away from everything and end everything. I have no self esteem, I believed that I had no strengths and I only had possessed weakness.
I always thought that nothing good will ever come my way.

Whenever I made a slight achievement, you would always find ways to slander it, you would always say that you're not that special and it's not that hard to achieve or you would compare to others.

I know that I am a disappointment, I never achieved extremely high results at school.
I know I am not the prettiest girl; not the slimmist and I don't have perfect skin.
But I never took drugs, I never binge drink.
I don't ask you for money and I work part time to support my own personal spending.
But why must you still believe that I am a disappointment?
Am I that pathetic? That I don't realise I'm that pathetic.
If I am, tell me how to change.
I thought I was immune to your constant insults but I'm not. It still cuts me on the inside.

I will promise you that one day, I'll make a great contribution to this society.
I'll move out into the big wide world and make myself useful.
I promise I won't do anything to disappoint you anymore.
I'm sorry for being the biggest disappointment in your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*hugs and choc-chip cookies*